Seville Orange Marmalade

Grab hold of Seville oranges while they’re in season to make this fabulous marmalade.  The brandy or whisky spooned over the top will give it a festive flourish, and also help to seal the marmalade. I can guarantee your friends will appreciate a jar, labelled with the date you made it, as a birthday or Christmas gift.


About this Recipe

By: Sheridan Rogers

Grab hold of Seville oranges while they’re in season to make this fabulous marmalade.  The brandy or whisky spooned over the top will give it a festive flourish, and also help to seal the marmalade. I can guarantee your friends will appreciate a jar, labelled with the date you made it, as a birthday or Christmas gift.


  • Seville oranges 1.5Kg (3lbs), about 8 medium
  • water 3L (12 cups)
  • lemons 2
  • white sugar 2.5Kg, warmed
  • brandy or malt whisky (optional)

Scrub the oranges well and dry the skin with a tea towel. Using a vegetable peeler, remove the orange zest as thinly as possible and cut into fine julienne (thin shreds). Place in a large saucepan or preserving pan with half the water and the lemon juice.  Bring to the boil and simmer for 1 1/2 hours or until peel is soft. Meanwhile, cut the oranges (together with the pith) roughly and place them in a medium-large saucepan  with the remaining water.  Add any seeds.  Bring to the boil, cover with a lid and simmer 1 1/2 hours. Remove from heat. Carefully strain the orange pulp through a fine sieve or muslin (cheesecloth) into the pan with the soft peel. Bring to the boil and reduce slightly. Carefully add the warmed sugar. Stir until dissolved with a wooden spoon. Bring to boiling point and boil rapidly.  Test for setting point on a saucer which has been placed in the freezer – it should wrinkle slightly when you push a teaspoon through it. Remove from heat and leave to cool a little. Ladle into warm sterilised jars. To seal the top, spoon over 1 tablespoon brandy or whisky. Note: warm the sugar in a tray in moderate oven before adding – this will help it dissolve more quickly.