Quince Compote

There are no strict measurements for this luscious compote once you’ve cooked the quinces. I usually cook 4 – 6 quinces and then make a translucent ruby jelly with the syrup. They can be eaten whole, served with thick cream or yoghurt, or used to make a quince crumble. The beauty of the compote is that it can be served for breakfast, brunch or dessert – or even as a snack. If you make the jelly (recipe below), drizzle a little of it through the compote. As The New York Times cooking column pointed out this week: “It’s affirming to know your food. It’s affirming to cook for yourself. Try to do it as much as you can.”


About this Recipe

By: Sheridan Rogers

There are no strict measurements for this luscious compote once you’ve cooked the quinces. I usually cook 4 – 6 quinces and then make a translucent ruby jelly with the syrup. They can be eaten whole, served with thick cream or yoghurt, or used to make a quince crumble. The beauty of the compote is that it can be served for breakfast, brunch or dessert – or even as a snack. If you make the jelly (recipe below), drizzle a little of it through the compote. As The New York Times cooking column pointed out this week: “It’s affirming to know your food. It’s affirming to cook for yourself. Try to do it as much as you can.”


  • quinces 2 medium
  • water to cover
  • granulated sugar 1 cup
  • star anise 1
  • cinnamon stick 1
  • natural or vanilla yoghurt 1 cup
  • toasted granola 1 cup
  • fresh (or frozen) raspberries 1 punnet
  • pistachio nuts or toasted flaked almonds 2 tablespoons

Rub skins of quinces with a tea towel and wash well. Place in a pot where they’ll fit snugly, cover with water and add the sugar, star anise and cinnamon stick. Bring to the boil, turn down heat and simmer until soft – this will take up to 2 hours. Remove quinces and leave to cool. Halve, quarter and peel the quinces and remove seeds. Slice the quarters into crescent moon shapes. Place a a few pieces of the crescent-shaped quinces in the base of 4 glasses, top with with yoghurt, granola, a few raspberries and nuts or your choice. Continue with layers until you reach three-quarters of the way up the glass, finishing with a sprinkle of nuts. For the Quince Jelly: Bring the syrup back to the boil and add the juice of 1 – 2 lemons. Boil rapidly until syrup turns a ruby pink colour – use a simmer pad to prevent burning. Test for setting by putting a small amount on a saucer which has been in the freezer – the syrup should crinkle when you run the spoon through it.