A Sweet Little Book is my first eBook and won a Gold Award in the ELit Awards in April 2013. You can see a sample and purchase it here.
The Mini Chef eBook is my second eBook and won a GoldELit Award in 2014.
Mini Chef – Cooking for Kids hardcover book (New Holland 2010) is available through amazon.com.
The Cook’s Garden (New Holland 2011) is available through Book Depository.

Hi Sheridan, i have had your Cook’s Garden book for many years and just want you to know how much I love it. I use it so often and never tire reading bits of it as I go. Those bits are familiar now but I love the way you write and love to read about the anecdotal stuff and history of the plants. My book has had a hard life. The bottom of the pages has been guillotined off due to a flood in my bookcase (don’t ask!) and guillotined again years later when mice chewed across the entire bottom edge. (I’m not hinting for another copy by the way). So thanks for the joy and knowledge this book has given me. I’ve just started using it with primary school students as part of our school garden/literacy learning. Thanks again, Wendy 18/9/14
Food photographer, Andrew Payne (Photographix), and I can create custom books, tailored to your specific market, for advertising and branding purposes.
Out of Print Titles:
Entertaining At Home (Lansdowne)
Sheridan Rogers’ Food Year (Simon & Schuster)
Australia’s Guide to Home Made Sweets (CSR)
The Cook’s Companion (Harper Collins)
Babies and Toddlers (Magazine Promotions, Sydney, Australia, 1984)