Meet Wanitha Tanasingam

Meet Exuberant Malaysian Chef Wanitha Tanasingam I’m sitting in the bar at the Grand Shanghai Hotel in Burwood, Sydney, where I’ve arranged to meet exuberant Malaysian chef and cookery teacher Wanitha Tanasingam. Pink-tinged images of pretty young Chinese women and...

A Truly Multicultural Christmas

A Truly Multicultural Christmas Curious, isn’t it, the way we continue to celebrate Christmas in Australia.Come December, and the official start of summer, shop interiors and department stores are filled with white-bearded Santas and reindeer; cards and Advent...

Meet Indian Master Chef Ajoy Joshi

Search for: Meet Indian Master Chef Ajoy Joshi Chef Ajoy Joshi was thrilled.“We won the Restaurant & Catering Gold Award for Best Indian Restaurant in Australia last night,” he told me, his eyes shining, a wide grin on his face.“It’s the second year in a row.  And...

Sweet Treats of Giglio

Sweet Treats of Giglio Chef Claudio Bossini had just finished mincing the macerated figs for the panficato, a rich dark sweet Christmas confection made each year on Giglio, a small island off the coast of Tuscany, when suddenly the sounds of a brass band could be...

Fuchsia Dunlop’s Ode to Chinese Food

Fuchsia Dunlop’s Ode to Chinese Food  It’s 10 am on a sultry Friday morning at Soulshine, a luxurious retreat in Bali, Indonesia. Chinese food specialist Fuchsia Dunlop is about to begin a talk on food writing, one of the Masterclasses at the recent Ubud Writers...

Meet Bush Goddess Pennie Scott

Meet Bush Goddess Pennie Scott Champion of Regenerative Agriculture I’m running late for my lunch appointment with owner of Bush Goddess Feasts Pennie Scott.  She’s suggested we meet at Delice Coffee, a new eatery in Canonwindra  which focuses on  locally grown...